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"In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities. In the master's mind, there are few."
- Shunryu Suzuki
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation & Practice

Since our founding in 2021, The Hero Project 419 Inc. has developed two university chapters and a community across the state of Ohio. Everything we are as an organization is due to their contributions.


Meet our Internal Team listed below:



Public Health B.A. Miami University ('21)

The University of Toledo College of Medicine MD Candidate 


Founder & Chief Executive Officer

The Hero Project is my ultimate expression of love for those that have struggled from the secondary impact of substance abuse. It's for the little boy that cries alone late at night with feelings of betrayal and anger in his heart, it’s for the father that struggles to pay for another rehab bill, it’s for the resentful daughter that tries to keep it all together for the sake of the family, it’s for the single mother that gives until she is forced into bankruptcy, it’s for the friend that feels helpless as they watch their loved one tear themselves apart. The Hero Project is for the families that take on so much throughout the addiction process, that is often buried within them as time goes on.


However, this is a community that refuses to be victimized. Instead, we own up to the darkness that we have projected in the past. We are a group that helps each other heal properly and we refuse to allow it to become an excuse to be subpar towards those with addiction, or to the loved ones around us. The cycles of addiction and projection stop with us, as we help others reach their fullest potential through our own demonstration of self-accountability and healthy grieving.


Today is the day. It's the day that we stop using our past as a reason to remain cold and angry towards the world. It's the day that we let go of the resentment and try to forgive them. It's the day that you tell your story, properly heal, and become a better person.

It's time for you to become the person that you were always meant to be.


Accountability, Growth, & Change.


Tell Your Story, Even if Your Voice Shakes.



Director of Educational Outreach

The Hero Project hit close to home for me as someone who’s whole life has been  effected by choices that were far out of my control. When I was young, I wasn’t aware that my family was different. I wasn’t aware that not everyone’s parents weren’t around very often, or that watching your mom and dad fight a never ending addiction wasn’t okay. I didn’t realize back then that the things I saw would carry with me into my adulthood. That those things that seemed so normal in my everyday life never left my memories. Even though I remember them, I feel relief knowing that my siblings don’t have the same recollection as me. I feel like I've made the right decisions on being a human shield for those younger than me, for those I love (or loved) more than words could ever describe. For that reason, I will tell my story and shine a light on the truth of family substance abuse. That every child deserves to have sober parents, to grieve properly, and to go home to a safe and healthy environment. That way no one will have to go home and face the past experiences that I have lived.



Neuroscience B.A. Miami University ('20)

The University of Toledo College of Medicine MD Candidate 


Co-Director of Educational Outreach

I am a 2020 Miami University (OH) graduate, where I majored in neuroscience and biology. For two years post-graduation I worked as a Intramural Research Training Award Fellow at the National Institute of Health where I researched the neurobiological mechanisms involved in reward and addiction. I got involved with The Hero Project because of personal experience with my father battling addiction, and the passion I have to serve those impacted by similar circumstances in hopes to give them better life outcomes. Specifically, my goal in the role I have within THP is to make a positive difference in the lives of children who face second-hand issues that coincide with a parent, or other loved ones addiction through service, mentorship, and overall guidance. I hope to make a noticeable change in this demographic within the Toledo area that results in decisions, relationships and mentalities that lead to an overall successful future for these children.



Biology B.S. Miami University ('22)

Wayne State College of Medicine MD Candidate 


Director of Operations 


As a recent graduate from Miami University, I have spent a great deal of time exploring the field of neuroscience, specifically through my research focusing on the underlying mechanisms that drive drug-reward behavior. However, with a desire to directly impact my community, I joined The Hero Project 419 Inc. This organization has afforded me the opportunity to share my story and the collateral impact that substance abuse has on the entire family. My goal is to empower those who feel hopeless and guide them back into the light by offering mentorship, promoting healthy coping mechanisms, and most importantly establishing a supportive atmosphere to discuss any barriers or obstacles one has encountered. I invite you to join our mission and to Tell Your Story, Even if Your Voice Shakes.




Public Health & Epidemiology B.A.

Miami University ('21)


Director of Finance 

I'm incredibly lucky to be a member of this organization, which has provided me the unique opportunity to support the Toledo Community in various ways. Thank you, for supporting our mission and continuing to raise awareness for the secondary impact of substance abuse.
Telling Your Story, Even if Your Voice Shakes.



Architecture & Design B.A.

Bowling Green State University ('22)

Director of Creative Design

My name is Jacob and I’m currently studying architecture at Bowling Green State University. I seek to use my artistic ability to create the ideal image for people who are in need of it; whether it is for a business, fundraiser, etc. I wish to improve my creative process and designs to their fullest extent through this opportunity to help families dealing with substance abuse and heroin addiction.



Medical Resident 

Ohio University College of Medicine ('23)

Educational Outreach Coordinator 

My name is Andrew Ohliger. I am a medical student from Ohio University. I am passionate about health and wellness in children, adolescents, and the family unit. I strongly believe that our current crisis of substance abuse and the opioid epidemic requires a multifaceted approach involving coordination between government, law enforcement, and health agencies. However, one can never underestimate the power of community and FAMILY. I am a part of The Hero Project because I believe that when people come together, great things happen. It isn’t gonna be easy- the best things in life never are.

THP headshot.jpg


Early Childhood & Special Education B.A.

University of Toledo ('21) 


Educational Outreach Coordinator

As an advocate against substance abuse, The Hero Project stood out to me for multiple reasons. The organization was founded in my hometown Toledo, Ohio with the purpose of creating change in our community. I have witnessed addiction take the lives of my loved ones, and I have seen the toll it can take on others in the family setting with grieving, hopelessness, and secondary impact. The beauty of The Hero Project is the purpose of lifting up those who are struggling with addiction, so that they and their families can reach their fullest potential and break the cycle. I am grateful to be a part of an organization that wants to make a difference.



Operations Coordinator

I'm Lynn. A mother, wife, and someone that is passionate about using my skills of networking to help those in need. I’m passionate about the City of Toledo and meeting those that live in Northwest Ohio. Sharing stories, both professional and personal, is what helps me grow as a person. It is my goal to help express the organization’s needs to others, and to help communicate that Toledo can do better. My goal of life is to be better than yesterday. That’s how I live. I am excited to be a part of this impactful team.

Meet the Team: Meet the Team
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